Initiatives and Resources / Business Wellbeing

Business Wellbeing

Be.Bendigo strives for all businesses to prioritise the wellbeing of both owners and employees.

Partners in Wellbeing is a FREE service for all Victorian businesses. 


A word from one of our small business client.

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? 

The Partners in Wellbeing helpline is a free and confidential service for small business owners and employees. 

The helpline provides support through trained wellbeing coaches like Sharmi, financial counsellors and business advisers, as well as information in languages other than English. 

Call, live chat, send an enquiry or make a referral online. 

What do we offer?

Financial Counselling

Information, support and advice about managing debts and financial issues, both business and personal.

Personal Support

Help to improve wellbeing, develop strategies to cope and access emotional support as you need it.

Business Advice

Assistance to understand your position and develop business plans for your future.

"One confidential business wellbeing session gave me some new insights and now I have a greater understanding to face my challenges..."


What could you do this month to cultivate gratitude? 

Flow – Engagement – PERMA

According to Martin Seligman, engaging in activities that align with our top character strengths increases the likelihood of experiencing flow and engagement. 

Identifying our character strengths, also known as values, fosters a connection with our purpose and meaning, providing a sense of autonomy. These values serve as our guiding light, influencing our decisions and actions. 

Utilising our character strengths in our endeavours allows us to enhance our skills and emotions, boosting self-esteem and confidence. Applying these strengths in work, hobbies, or side projects promotes engagement, leading to a state of flow where time flies and focus comes effortlessly, creating a fulfilling and enjoyable experience akin to mindfulness. 

Complete the free survey to identify your top character strengths.

Reflection exercise –

Consider activities you undertake at work when you lose sense of time. Does the activity match your personal skills?  Is your concentration in harmony with the activity? 

Your attention is on the activity and your mind does not wander into the past, future or off task? 

Does this activity align to your top character strengths? Do you feel a sense of personal control over the activity? 

Is the activity intrinsically rewarding? When did you have this experience? 

Who were you with? What was happening? 

How did you feel while completing the activity? 

How did you feel after the activity was completed? 


Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act), employers must provide and maintain a working environment for their employees, including contractors, that is safe and without risks to health, so far as reasonably practicable.

In Section 5 of the OHS Act, health is defined as including psychological health. We have curated 10 minutes of viewing to provide you an overview.

A 5 minute overview on preventing workplace injuries.

Watch this 2 minute video about physical injuries and organisational factors contributing to stress.

PWC found that the average return for every $1 invested in creating a mentally health workplace is $2.30.

How do you involve your employees? When do you consult?

Preventing injuries, starts with identifying and then managing hazards and risks at work. 


We want to help! Download your FREE pack and access:

– Work Health and Safety Policy

– Health and Wellbeing Policy

– Discrimination Bully Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy

– Grievance Handling Policy

– Return to Work Policy

– Communication Plan and Support Tool

– Action Plan



Business Victoria: Headway & Workplace Wellbeing

Worksafe: Workwell Toolkit

Partners in Wellbeing: Small Business Support

The Wellbeing Lab: Strategies, Programs & Tools

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 (24 hours)

Lifeline 13 11 14 (24 hours)

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 (24 hours)
